Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Space Cow is a small animation I created during a adobe after effects lesson on how to use after effects. I found it quite easy, once I new what I was doing to be able to use it again on other animations.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

My Finished, first ever animatic, which was created from the SPIRT Story Board.
Final Story Board Redone official

Saturday, 16 January 2016

This is My Cinematography film about a new person moving into a flat and thinks weird things are going on! I had to work in a group and produce a 2 min film that was silent but could have music and sound effect the overall result is really nice.

Friday, 8 January 2016

This Slide Show is my Latest Story Board assignment, we were given the choice to pick a story from three scripts aimed at children and i have chose Spirt, its about a bear on Thanks Giving Day who's losing hope in the World. Before we then turn it into a animatic.
This is my last 3D assignment, i picked the JJ Rig for this and made him have to catch and throw a ball that was thrown towards him first. It was a long time to make but worth it.
This was another 3D rig where i had to animate Ugg moving a bolder along very slowly. It was very interesting to make.
Here i did a full fitness stretch with Tina another rig that i chosen to use. 
3D assignment where i had to choose a rig to use so i picked Fred and animated him yawning and stretching slightly. 
This is an assignment where we had to use Monty, a rig that was given to us to create a walk cycle with to different camera angles. It was hard to work out the cameras but i finally did it in the end.
This is the last assignment for 2D, I had to using Toon Boom create a person diving from a board into the water, we had to make sure the board was moving at the right time and show the effects of the splashes of water after the diver went in. 
This is my juggling assignment which is my second to last thing for 2D, we had to animated in flash two hands throwing and caching balls in sync to create juggling, it was tricky to get it right timings was the hardest part.

This is my last assignment for Stop Motion we had to use the puppets to create a walk cycle it took me at least two attempts could have been better if i had more time! on my first attempt he started going up hill for some reason and looked like he was on a tilting board.
This is my 2D assignment, where we had to create smoke moving. I like how it looks like it is actually moving!