Sunday 15 November 2015

This is the second story boards i created, where i was given a script to follow to do a story board on it, based on the Victorian era. It was hard to keep the people in same shape and sizes. 
In this 2D assignment, i had to create a squirrel jumping along on the ground from one side of the screen to the other. I love how he moves along, i found the tale the hardest part in the end to get exactly right. 

Friday 13 November 2015

This was a 3D assignment based on squash and stretch where we had to animate a fox rig we where given that looks more like a squirrel with a fluffy tale moving around. The fox had to interact with a course i made from the 3D polygon shapes, that are available on maya to use. I found it very fun except at one point everything got copied and the head of my fox got stuck on the video and i couldn't delete it off, so i had to keep it like that. So when the head moves one stays behind, wish i had known how to fix it at the time. The balls are meant to show where he heads it through the hoop, i didn't know how to make the ball move like the fox it was different like a fixed object. 
This is my Muscle man for this i had to animate a person trying to pick up a heavy weight and pulling and pulling till it lifts from the ground because he's go all his own weight behind it when he last tries. I found the hardest part was keeping the proportions and making sure it looked right for each position.
This was the second stop motion assignment were i had to animated a puppet for the first time ever moving it head from one to the other and a touching toes motion with the puppet. I found that the puppet was quite stiff at places so it made it hard to work with but it was fun to animate. 

Thursday 12 November 2015

This was a 2D assignment where we was, given a cartoon hand that looks like mickeys and we had to animate it turning from one side to the other. It was quite hard as i had never used a drawing tablet before this so it was very new to me to draw with it, but keeping the proportions right was the hardest part. 

Monday 9 November 2015

These are my drawings from a couple of weeks back, when i did my first ever Life Drawing lesson, i wasn't feeling to sure about it at first, but towards the end i was getting the hang of it. wish we had more time for Life Drawing! I found it rather relaxing and very interesting! in a unusual way.
 kind of freeing for the mind! as your so focused on what your doing. 
This was part of my 3D module where i had to use a rig we were given to create a bouncing ball dropping and bouncing along with squash and stretch i found it was very fun to play around with.
These are the three different assignments that I had to do for stop motion, make a Pendulum & Conker swings with a penny and try to create a falling balloon, with plasticine too seem like its falling in wind, it was harder than you think getting the balloon to look right with timings and placement.
This is my 2D Bouncing square person that I had to create for an assignment, where he had to jump from one side of the screen to the other showing squash and stretch and following an arc in the air. It took me a couple of attempts to get the right proportions and the shapes but I got their in the end. On a negative note its quite annoying to me, that his head still goes off the page!